To take on our healthy eating challenge and test your diet and cholesterol know-how, read the food quiz questions below and pick one or more of the multiple choice options to respond. Remember, there’s sometimes more than one right answer! Once you’ve completed the healthy eating quiz questions, scroll down to find out how you did.
Whether you see yourself as a nutritional expert, or simply love a good challenge, our quiz on healthy eating is here to test your food savvy – take the test below!
The Healthy Eating & Food Quiz – how much do you know?
Remember: you can pick more than one answer for each question!
Food Quiz Question 1: Which of the following foods do NOT count towards your five-a-day fruit and vegetables?
a) Frozen vegetables.
b) Chips.
c) Tinned fruit.
d) Chickpeas.
Food Quiz Question 2: Which of the following foods are sources of fibre?
a) Potatoes, with the skin left on.
b) Wholegrain pasta.
c) Apples.
d) Baked beans.
Food Quiz Question 3: Two of the following meals are great options for a cholesterol-conscious diet – which are they?
a) Macaroni cheese with ham and cauliflower.
b) Poached egg and spinach on wholegrain toast.
c) Baked salmon and dill with purple-sprouting broccoli and skin-on boiled potatoes.
d) Fried streaky bacon in a white bread sandwich with lettuce and tomato.
Food Quiz Question 4: Which of the following count as “oily” fish?
a) Trout
b) Haddock.
c) Salmon.
d) Cod.
e) Sardines.
f) Mackerel.
Note: Fish classified as ‘oily’ are high in long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids.
Food Quiz Question 5: Which of the following fat choices would help maintain a healthy heart?
a) Eating plenty of saturated fat.
b) Eating as little fat (both saturated and unsaturated) as possible.
c) Replacing saturated fat in the diet with unsaturated fat.
d) Replacing unsaturated fat with saturated fat.
Food Quiz Question 6: Which of the following foods can help actively lower cholesterol?
a) Full fat dairy products, such as milk, cream, butter, and cheese.
b) Plant sterols, added to Flora ProActiv spread.
c) Beta-glucan fibre, found in oats and barley.
d) Red meats.
e) All of the above.
Food Quiz Question 7: Which of the following foods are good sources of unsaturated fat?
a) Salmon.
b) Almonds.
c) Vegetable oils, and vegetable oil-based products.
d) Cheese.
e) Butter.
Food Quiz Question 8: How much of the calorie intake of a well-balanced diet comes from starchy foods, like bread, pasta, rice, and cereal?
a) About a third.
b) About half.
c) You should avoid starchy foods.
d) Most of your diet.
Food Quiz Question 9: What is the NHS-recommended limit of saturated fat you can eat per day, on average?
a) 70g.
b) 10g.
c) 20g.
d) 40g.
e) You should not eat any saturated fat.
Note: Recommendations do vary according to individuals’ weight and level of activity.
Food Quiz Question 10: Which of the following statements are false?
a) All fats are bad for you.
b) Eggs, prawns, liver, and kidneys are off-limits in a cholesterol-lowering diet.
c) It’s a good idea to eat one or more meal of oily fish a week, in place of meat or cheese.
d) Salty foods are bad for your cholesterol levels.
e) Eating too much of foods that your body can turn into cholesterol is the sole cause of high cholesterol.
Answers to Our Healthy Eating Quiz Questions
Now it’s time to find out how you did! For every correct answer you receive a point, but for every wrong answer, you lose a point. Count up your score to find out how much you really know about healthy eating.
Food Quiz Question 1:
They all count towards your five-a-day apart from chips, which (according to the NHS) count as starchy foods.
b) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 2:
Wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, skin-on potatoes and beans are all sources of dietary fibre.
Food Quiz Question 3:
Cheese and fatty red meat can be high in saturated fat, making them less suitable for a cholesterol-lowering diet than oily fish and eggs.
a) (–1)
d) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 4:
Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout are all examples of oily fish.
b) (–1)
d) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 5:
Fat is a necessary part of a healthy diet, but replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat can help lower cholesterol levels*. Elevated cholesterol is one of the risk factors of coronary heart disease.
a) (–1)
b) (–1)
d) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 6:
Both plant sterols** and oat beta-glucans*** have been shown to lower blood cholesterol.
a) (–1)
d) (–1)
e) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 7:
Salmon, almonds, and vegetable oils are all sources of unsaturated fat.
d) (–1)
e) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 8:
Starchy foods should provide about half of the calorie intake of a healthy, balanced diet.
a) (–1)
c) (–1)
d) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 9:
The NHS recommends that men eat less than 30g of saturated fat per day, and that women eat less than 20g.
a) (–1)
b) (–1)
d) (–1)
e) (–1)
Food Quiz Question 10:
Four of the five statements were false:
a) All fats are bad for you.(False +1)
b) Eggs, prawns, liver, and kidneys are off-limits in a cholesterol-lowering diet.(False +1)
c) It’s a good idea to eat one or more meal of oily fish a week, in place of meat or cheese.
(True –1)d) Salty foods are bad for your cholesterol levels.(False +1 . However, you should keep an eye on your salt intake overall, as it can impact blood pressure.)
e) Eating too much of foods that your body can turn into cholesterol is the sole cause of high cholesterol. (False +1)
So, how did you do?
0 to 10/25: You might know some of the basics, but there’s a lot to learn! Why not start with our article ‘What is a Balanced Diet?” here .
11 – 15/25: Getting there! Check our article on saturated and unsaturated fats to pick up more dietary tips, or learn about cholesterol in our video guide here .
16 to 20/24: You’ve managed to confidently answer many of our healthy food quiz questions, but you’re not an expert yet! Why not check out our article on cholesterol-lowering diets here?
21 to 25/25: Well done! You know your stuff. If you’d like to take your knowledge to the next level and potentially lower cholesterol, you can download or sign up for our Cholesterol Starter Kit here .
*Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in the diet has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. ****
***As part of a healthy, balanced diet, 3g of beta-glucans a day has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. ****
****High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. There are many risk factors for coronary heart disease and it is important to take care of all of them to reduce the overall risk of it.